Having a reactive dog is HARD. You have to be careful of who is walking the dog, where the dog is, what is going on around the dog…and much much more.
Before we even get into how STRESSED OUT the dog is…the toll it takes on human families is high. Not to mention innocent bystanders who have to protect themselves because they don’t understand your dog.
Here are 2 ways we START to address reactivity. Please note: in our program we GET RID of reactivity, we build confident dogs and even get them OFF-LEASH running around free.
These 2 items are just to get by until you can see a trainer.
- Create space . The farther away your dog is from the “trigger” the less intense the explosion will be. Cross the street, turn around, walk away.
- Practice mindfulness with YOUR body. Watch your energy. If you tense up your dog will too. Relax…calm hands equals calm dog. And last but not least…HANDS OFF your dog. You get what you pet…if you “console” a reactive dog you will get more of it.
Please contact us here if you need more personalized help. Remember…our training goes beyond these tips and actually helps build your dog up! See you soon!