Dog Training Blog


How Much is Dog Training?

This wide range in pricing can be overwhelming, but it’s important not to be fooled by the numbers alone. The cost of dog training is not always indicative of its quality or effectiveness. Understanding the true value behind these costs can make the difference between success and failure in your dog’s training journey. There is a significant variation in what different training programs offer, and this variation can have a profound impact on the results you achieve with your dog.

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A group of Trainors and a white dog

The Truth About Force-Free Dog Training

Force-free training has become a popular method in the dog training world, and for good reasons. It’s humane, ethical, and fosters a positive relationship between dogs and their owners.

However, despite its many benefits, force-free training often falls short when addressing major behavioral issues. Today, we’ll delve into why this is the case and why it’s crucial to adopt a balanced approach.

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Red Professional Fake Versus Original

How to Stop Barking: Punishment or Positivity?

Are you constantly struggling to manage your furry friend’s barking? If so, you’re not alone!

In this email we’re excited to explore the intriguing world of dog training, focusing specifically on positive reinforcement versus correction-based methods for controlling barking.

Our goal is to provide you with practical, evidence-based insights that will empower you to make informed decisions about your dog’s training.

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german shepherds staring off into the distance field

What are the Signs of an Alpha Dog?

Have you ever watched your pooch interact with other dogs and wondered why they act a certain way? Maybe they’re the first to fetch the ball, or perhaps they’re leading the way on your daily walks. It’s not just personality; these are the subtle signals of an alpha dog asserting their role in the pack.

Let’s dive in, learn about these behaviors, and find out how we can live in harmony with our confident, assertive, and yes, sometimes stubborn, alpha dogs…

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Any Dog - Any Size - Any Problem


Where Good Dogs Become Great. Let us help transform your dog into the ultimate companion through our personalized Dog Training lessons.