Be the boss dog training - utah county dog training



Our whole business comes from people who just want their dogs to listen. They want their dogs to listen when they say come, or sit, or stay, or stop jumping. Sounds simple, right?
Well actually, it is! But first you have to learn how to speak your dog’s language…and THAT can be the tricky part.

As humans, we like to try and treat dogs like little furry baby humans. We dress them up, pet them, love them, talk baby talk to them…and thoroughly confuse them every minute of the day. It’s a wonder dogs haven’t given up on us yet.

One reason why your dog might not be listening to you is because what you say and do is simply not valuable to them. I’m sorry, but that leftover turkey in the trash is WAAAY more enticing than you yelling at them. That open door is WAAAY more exciting than staying in the house. And that other dog at the park is way more exciting than them sticking around boring old you.
So how do you become valuable to your dog? There are two parts to this equation and you need to utilize both to have a 100% obedient dog.

The first thing you need to do is stop any bad or dangerous behavior. This means correcting the dog. Whether you use a verbal command, a tug on the leash, slip lead, prong collar or a remote collar you need to correct the unwanted behavior. Find what works for you and use it.
Make yourself valuable to your dog by implementing a correction for the unwanted behavior. This is not going to harm your relationship and the dog is not going to “hate” you. Correcting a dog is helping them learn.

I wouldn’t want to go to a doctor who has never been told what not to do. Yes, he will probably get some things right. But I want a doctor who knows NOT to thread a needle the wrong way, or knows NOT to give a certain medication for my condition. Fast track your dog’s education by teaching them what NOT to do.
The second (and more fun) part of the equation is rewarding for good behavior. Once my dog knows not to lunge at other dogs, then when he sits and looks at me I can reward him. Good boy! When he decides to stay on his bed instead of running out the door or jumping on guests I can give him lots of reward…because he’s being a good boy!

By utilizing both side of this equation you have a winning solution to become valuable to your dog.

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